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Studying Techniques In College

The new college student must realize that college is very different from there high school days. They must maintain the studying techniques in college that were developed throughout their time in high school. They have freedoms to do as they please, go where they wish, and do as they wish. Theses freedoms will interfere with their studies if they are not disciplined to practice time management. It is necessary to have great time management skills. A college student has a greater amount of free time and it is necessary for them to have a weekly calendar to effectively manage their time over the semester. They need to set priorities, keep their weekly planner current, plan specific study times, learn to say no and take advantage of any amount of free time to review your notes. Use the organization skills from high school such as having 3×5 cards for notes, three notebook divide into sections with pocket folders label with the subject. Make sure there is a copy of the syllabus for each course, your notes dated and numbered, handouts, returned quizzes and assignments. When it is time to study for a test, you will have all of the needed information in your notebook and won’t have done much research.

Another studying techniques in college is the text book. Most high school courses you just received a handout from the teacher but you didn’t have a book to refer to, but in college you purchase the book or books for the courses. Be very selective when purchasing your books because if it is a used book you need to make sure there is very little highlighted or underlined so as not to confuse your attempts at highlighting or underling. As you read you need to ask questions about what you are reading, how it applies to you subject and maybe jot down the information in a notebook or on 3×5 cards to help in your review for class participation and later exams that will be given. Learning takes place through reinforcement and review; you can’t remember what the text is simply reading it once. Time management, organization and proper reading of your text are excellent studying techniques in college.

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