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Reading To Babies

The earlier we start reading to babies the sooner they will be ready for kindergarten when the time comes. There are studies that recommend mothers read to their babies in utero after sixteen weeks because this will provide the baby with the rhythm of the mother’s voice. The study recommended at least fifteen to twenty minutes a day but any exposure to the voice has the baby well on the way to improved literacy. Another study recommends that we don’t stop reading to our children after they are born and we don’t wait until they are old enough to comprehend what we are reading. The following is a guide to reading to infants as they grow, starting at birth.

We should read from birth to about six months old. The baby’s eyes are in the development stage so we need to choose books with little or no text and bright pictures. It really does not matter what you read, it can be a book you are reading, what is important is the tone of your voice. The next stage seven to twelve months old babies are more alert and begin to grab the book. They may chew on the book, try turning pages and begin to understand some words. It is at this stage when you should have books that are sturdy, with lots of colored pictures for you to point out animals by name and other things in the picture. Do not use baby words in your reading or pointing out things for the baby to see. From thirteen to eighteen months is the time to introduce the child to books with short sentences on each page. Just make sure the pictures are bright. Books with a rhythm, ones you can act out or make noises, like what the cow or pig sound like the better. It won’t be long before the child will be saying the animal sounds back to you. During this age period the child may be able to provide answers to questions like where is the dog. You may be able to ask questions about your eyes, nose, mouth or any other features. Respond to the child’s one word reply with yes that is a big brown dog. You are expanding the vocabulary. The next age group is from nineteen to twenty four mouths. It is this age group that may bring books they want you to read because it is a reassuring and calming time for them. Believe me when I say you have to read the book the same way each time. The book can be read many times before they find a new book they like just as well. I remember when my boy was this age he loved Sandra Boynton’s “Barn Yard Dance”. It had good rhythm, a beautiful cadence and lots of animals doing the barn yard dance. I think I read this book to him twice every night for at least six months or more. So start reading to babies and cuddle with them.

How to Study Better

The goal of any student at any level should be how to study better and attain better grades. If you are studying why not gain some techniques that may make studying easier. You need to make your time studying effective. Here are some tips that will help you get more out of your study time, to spend less time pouring over books and be able to enjoy some of the school activities. These study items are not hard but once learned they need to be used or practiced daily to get the most value from them. Each technique in this how to study better article is very important to learn.

The very first thing you should do when studying is away from all distraction. This will help you focus better and remember that 20 minutes of highly focused time will reap rewards because you will learn and remember more of the information. Every article I have read about study is that one has to organize. I tell people to get a spiral bound note book for each subject and make sure it has pockets to papers and handout from the instructor. If have all of the paper for your English class in one place then when you prepare for an exam all you have to do is use one notebook to study. One thing you must do when studying is to take breaks. Study for 45 minutes and then take a 15 minute break. It is difficult to stay focused when the concepts you are trying to learn are difficult it is wise to give yourself breaks to rest eyes and mind. Grab a healthy snack on your break. As part of your organization strategy, draw up a schedule and on it list everything that will happen in the semester. Include when papers are due, exams, and sports games if you plan to attend, and most importantly list your study time and subject for every day. This way you know what you have to accomplish and when you have free time to hang out with friends. Consider the subject you need to study, if it is easy, you need to spend too much time but if you have subjects that are difficult study them first. You need to study the difficult subjects daily and the easier ones review that material once a week and before exams. Develop a habit of writing things down, no matter how trivial it seems. You need to be realistic in your approach to your study time, remember study daily don’t cram. These are the best How to Study Better skills for your school career.

Good Studying Techniques

All students need to develop Good Studying Techniques. There is not one studying techniques that outweighs the next but taken together they lead to better grades. These good Studying Techniques have been researched and have been proven to be the best skills and techniques. One thing that all students must learn upfront is to stick with this motto: ‘I am responsible for my success,’ in school and life. Most of the good studying techniques discussed here will carry be of benefit in the future. They are simple steps but they must be practiced each day to master.

When you sit down to study be in the proper frame of mind. Don’t study if there are other things distracting you. Think positive when you sit down to study. Be in the right place to study. If you are comfortable sitting in the recliner and leads to positive results then the recliner it is for your study area. When you sit down to study bring all the necessary tools to accomplish your task and don’t bring any unnecessary items that could be a distraction. Two of the best ways to etch your notes into your memory is to rewrite or outline your note then recite them out loud to yourself. It must be loud enough for you to hear what is read. Have fun while you are studying. Make up mnemonics to help you remember important facts. Some mnemonics have been developed but it is helpful if you develop them yourself. Remember that practice makes perfect, sot at every opportunity you should review your notes. Stick to a schedule for developing good studying techniques. Develop your study plan determine what is the best for you to study without cramming. Within your study time makes sure you have breaks and chance for snack to keep yourself nourished. On your breaks you should try to get a few minutes of exercise, it helps your brain remember. Know what is expected of the classes you are taking and show the teachers you are really involve in the class by asking relevant questions. One last thing in a program of Good Studying Techniques it is not just passing exams but an effort to learn new ideas.

Studying Techniques In College

The new college student must realize that college is very different from there high school days. They must maintain the studying techniques in college that were developed throughout their time in high school. They have freedoms to do as they please, go where they wish, and do as they wish. Theses freedoms will interfere with their studies if they are not disciplined to practice time management. It is necessary to have great time management skills. A college student has a greater amount of free time and it is necessary for them to have a weekly calendar to effectively manage their time over the semester. They need to set priorities, keep their weekly planner current, plan specific study times, learn to say no and take advantage of any amount of free time to review your notes. Use the organization skills from high school such as having 3×5 cards for notes, three notebook divide into sections with pocket folders label with the subject. Make sure there is a copy of the syllabus for each course, your notes dated and numbered, handouts, returned quizzes and assignments. When it is time to study for a test, you will have all of the needed information in your notebook and won’t have done much research.

Another studying techniques in college is the text book. Most high school courses you just received a handout from the teacher but you didn’t have a book to refer to, but in college you purchase the book or books for the courses. Be very selective when purchasing your books because if it is a used book you need to make sure there is very little highlighted or underlined so as not to confuse your attempts at highlighting or underling. As you read you need to ask questions about what you are reading, how it applies to you subject and maybe jot down the information in a notebook or on 3×5 cards to help in your review for class participation and later exams that will be given. Learning takes place through reinforcement and review; you can’t remember what the text is simply reading it once. Time management, organization and proper reading of your text are excellent studying techniques in college.

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Improve Your Study Skills

There are many ways to improve your study skills but let us look at the negative side of studying. The side that sometimes puts road blocks in your way to study effectively. Maybe by discussing what the negative habits do for you, you will consider turning them into positive study skills. Most of these are traps that you get locked into and are not sure which way to go. In order for these negative study skills to become positive study skills you have think about erase the negativity from your brain. In other words change the negative thought into positive thoughts on how to accomplish a study skills thus you improve your study skills. The way I would accomplish the problem is by getting rid of the negative words. Following are some examples that will help you right the negative ship.

The first negative study problem is no knowing where to begin, just take control and make a list of things that must be done on a daily basis. When everything is noted on the calendar, chunk the items into manageable pieces, so you know the schedule of your time to study a particular subject. Get a calendar and note the date, times and places you need to be each week, and then fill in the subjects and the time for study. Stop complaining about having too much to study and attack the books, making notes as you read, underline important facts that were discussed in class and review your work on a daily basis. If you think there is too much to study remember to do outlines, summaries, flash card and emphasize the relationship among the sections. All the research to improve your study skills places emphasizes on two things you must never do and that is to stay up all night cramming for a test and avoid mental exhaustion. The only thing that study all night gets you is a lot of missed sleep. The mental exhaustion can be avoided just by reviewing the material on a daily basis, and then come exam time a rested brain has chance at the recall of important material. This is just a few ways that you can improve your study skills, just ditch the negative ideas, and turn them into positive ideas.

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Effective Study Skills

Effective Study Skills guarantees a student to obtain good grades. They are the basis base for a sound education. A student needs to understand what effective study skills are and how to employ them in their educational pursuit. Study Skills are a technique that aids the student to be an effective learner. Some students have an innate ability to be naturally possessing good study skills but most students do not. Effective study skills can be learned but need to be practiced until they are second nature to the student. Effective study skills such as time management, active listening reading comprehension, presentation skills, memory techniques, critical thinking skills research and evaluation, writing skills whether natural skill or one that is learned must be fine-tuned and developed to be effective. Effective study skills must be taught because they add results of one or two grades for the student. A dictionary definition of education is “the imparting and acquiring of knowledge through teaching and learning.” Other factors besides effective study skills have an impact on the student’s education, such as social, economic and cultural backgrounds have tremendous influence for young people’s ability to access a basic education. However, access to education is no guarantee for success. The most effective study skills student must possess are discussed below.

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One study skill is time management and organization. These two skills go together because in order manage your time you must use organizational skills to get there. Many teachers recommend a planner to enter important dates like when papers are due, projects, tests, and of course you’re other activities and free time. Calendar charts for the semester make an excellent time management tool. Learn what works best for in the learning process. Ask yourself if there is a better method, analyze your study habits and see if you can discover a better way. One thing to keep in mind for test preparation is does not cram. Cramming is a good way to lose sleep, it is better to study your notes each day. One skill that is most important is to attend class on a daily basis. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, the only dub question is one that is not asked. Form a study group so you can get someone else clarifying opinion on a problem you may be having. Explain your point as a way to grasp the meaning of a problem you might have. Practice your writing skills and note taking study skills because they will be helpful if you are headed to college. The best study area is to have multiple places that you can head to which helps avoid boredom. If these study skills for high school are developed and practiced your grades will increase and college study will be easier.

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Note Taking Skills

Note taking skills should be top priority for all students to learn. Note taking skills will help a student do well in school from a test taking time to those research paper that are due at the end of the semester. It is important to sharpen your note taking skills throughout your school career. Start early in elementary school, begin with simple notes or pictures that represent what the teacher is saying. And progress from there. To be a good note taker you have to listen to the person presenting the material. By listening this gives the student the opportunity to make the material their own which enhances the understanding of the material. It is a good idea and to put definitions in your own words to get a better understanding.

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One note taking skill all middle, high school and college student should do is before classes become familiar with what will be present that day in class. Read the material and make notes so you can fill in your from the lecture. Other tips for good note taking skills are not to write everything down that you read or hear. You only want the main points and not the trimmings. Make sure notes have key words or short sentences. Take as accurate as possible the information; use your own words without changing the meaning. Don’t take notes just to write something down be sure it is relevant to the material being presented. Try your best to be uniform in punctuation and abbreviations that make sense to you. Keep your notes short and to the point making it easy for you can readily grasp it. If you miss a point, just leave space so you can go back later to fill in the missing information. Keep your note in a three ring notebook with, loose leaf paper and only write one side. Date all of your entries so you know which day you had problems and can ask questions of the teacher before the exam. Rework your notes but above all do not and I will repeat do not recopy your notes. At this time you should be just adding or clarifying the information in your notes. Review your note on a daily basis as this is the only way to achieve a lasting memory. So practice your Note Taking Skills daily.

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Essential Study Skills

Essential Study Skills are learned in elementary school and developed as the student progresses through middle school, high school and college. The student should improve and practice the essential study skills every year. These study skills need to become automatic in the day to day pursuit of a student’s education. Essential study skills that form the basis of a student’s school career are: the best study time, organizing the material of the class, master the skill of note taking, develop a study schedule, and learn proper research skills. Of the five essential study skills listed here note taking, proper research skills, and organization are the most important skills to master because the others will fall into place.


The student must experiment different times to find what best suits them as far as the right time to sit down with the books. Not all students study alike or at the same time. By experimenting at different times the student will find the right time for study. It could be immediately after school of it may be just before bedtime but the student must be comfortable with the time selected. In the beginning most students are not in possessing of organization skills. The best to learn how to organize is in elementary school. Each student should have folders of various colors one for each subject they study and maintain the hand outs for each subject in the folder. Note taking can be simple in the beginning but must develop as the student progresses through school. Start out with just trying to capture the highlights of a class and as the student becomes proficient they can develop their own method. All students need to develop a study schedule listing everything they do each day to find open time to enter study time. Remember also to record Tests, project due dates and other important due dates. The last essential study skill is learning to do proper research for those upcoming term papers. This is where the use of three by five cards comes in handy. The underlying method in essential study skills is to develop and practice each skill until it is a part of your daily routine

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Study Skills For Students With Learning Challenges

Students with learning challenges need to be taught organization and especially  study skills at the same time so they have an excellent understanding of time management, taking notes and color coding of their school work. The one organization skill/strategy is to develop a system of working folders /notebooks one for each class and in a different color. This helps avoid clutter in the back pack and they have each class’ work in one place. A reference folder/notebook helps them keep things like a personal spelling list, transition word, math facts and other reference material that will help them. They should set up an accordion file that will contain all of the papers not required for the class but will help for test preparation. It is important for students with Learning Challenges have a distraction free study space. This space must be comfortable and someplace the student likes to study.

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Most Organization and Study Skills for Students with Learning Challenges are no different from other students; it just takes more emphasizing each step. The organization skill that is most challenging for the learning challenged is the ability to manage time properly. They must be able to get their homework done, get to the different classes and just have time for play. Give them a watch and let them know the start time of school, and each class. If properly taught and practiced these organization skills will carry them through school.

One of the most challenging study skills and it is not a study skill per se. It is the ability to self-advocate for them. They must learn to go to their teachers and ask for help. This is a hard one thing for them to learn. Note taking is a challenge especially when they are trying to grasp main ideas during a lecture. This is where self-advocacy helps. They can ask for list of main ideas ahead of time so that they are able to fill in the meanings. A study note from reading is not so bad but the still need to grasp the main ideas of the paragraphs in a chapter. Organization and study skills for students with learning challenges are a challenge for them to learn but if they focus on the task at hand and with lots of support they can make it all work for them.

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