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Study Skills For Students With Learning Challenges

Students with learning challenges need to be taught organization and especially  study skills at the same time so they have an excellent understanding of time management, taking notes and color coding of their school work. The one organization skill/strategy is to develop a system of working folders /notebooks one for each class and in a different color. This helps avoid clutter in the back pack and they have each class’ work in one place. A reference folder/notebook helps them keep things like a personal spelling list, transition word, math facts and other reference material that will help them. They should set up an accordion file that will contain all of the papers not required for the class but will help for test preparation. It is important for students with Learning Challenges have a distraction free study space. This space must be comfortable and someplace the student likes to study.

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Most Organization and Study Skills for Students with Learning Challenges are no different from other students; it just takes more emphasizing each step. The organization skill that is most challenging for the learning challenged is the ability to manage time properly. They must be able to get their homework done, get to the different classes and just have time for play. Give them a watch and let them know the start time of school, and each class. If properly taught and practiced these organization skills will carry them through school.

One of the most challenging study skills and it is not a study skill per se. It is the ability to self-advocate for them. They must learn to go to their teachers and ask for help. This is a hard one thing for them to learn. Note taking is a challenge especially when they are trying to grasp main ideas during a lecture. This is where self-advocacy helps. They can ask for list of main ideas ahead of time so that they are able to fill in the meanings. A study note from reading is not so bad but the still need to grasp the main ideas of the paragraphs in a chapter. Organization and study skills for students with learning challenges are a challenge for them to learn but if they focus on the task at hand and with lots of support they can make it all work for them.

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