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Note Taking Skills

Note taking skills should be top priority for all students to learn. Note taking skills will help a student do well in school from a test taking time to those research paper that are due at the end of the semester. It is important to sharpen your note taking skills throughout your school career. Start early in elementary school, begin with simple notes or pictures that represent what the teacher is saying. And progress from there. To be a good note taker you have to listen to the person presenting the material. By listening this gives the student the opportunity to make the material their own which enhances the understanding of the material. It is a good idea and to put definitions in your own words to get a better understanding.

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One note taking skill all middle, high school and college student should do is before classes become familiar with what will be present that day in class. Read the material and make notes so you can fill in your from the lecture. Other tips for good note taking skills are not to write everything down that you read or hear. You only want the main points and not the trimmings. Make sure notes have key words or short sentences. Take as accurate as possible the information; use your own words without changing the meaning. Don’t take notes just to write something down be sure it is relevant to the material being presented. Try your best to be uniform in punctuation and abbreviations that make sense to you. Keep your notes short and to the point making it easy for you can readily grasp it. If you miss a point, just leave space so you can go back later to fill in the missing information. Keep your note in a three ring notebook with, loose leaf paper and only write one side. Date all of your entries so you know which day you had problems and can ask questions of the teacher before the exam. Rework your notes but above all do not and I will repeat do not recopy your notes. At this time you should be just adding or clarifying the information in your notes. Review your note on a daily basis as this is the only way to achieve a lasting memory. So practice your Note Taking Skills daily.

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