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Math Study Skills for Elementary School

Math Study Skills for Elementary School begin as early as first grade if not before. By the time a student is in first grade they should have a grasp of the basic function of numbers and their relationships. They should have some knowledge of adding and subtraction of things not necessarily numbers. Most teachers use apples and/or other things to show addition and subtraction. I am going to suggest ten different ways for young students to grasp math study skills as a foundation for their future math studies.

The idea is to recognize numbers and know how they are used in daily life. For instance the temperature, movies times and of courses the score of football or baseball games. The next step is to teach a child or children how to estimate. This will increase their number sense. You have a bowl that you put oranges in you can ask them to estimate how many will fit. After you fill the bowl with oranges you need to count to see if the estimation was correct. At this point ask them to ask questions such was my estimate reasonable; this will help when they are in the classroom they will know to ask questions of the teacher or themselves. Teach them what 100 looks like; let them save pennies, pebbles or buttons to give them a visual of what 100 looks like. He3lp them become a spy. Write out the alphabet and number the letters then have them send you a coded message using the numbers rather than the letters. Let them keep track of their height by measuring how tall they are and then in a month measure to see if they grew. This is just another way to see different ways are used. Take them grocery shopping and let them keep track of the price of the items in your shopping cart and before you get to check out have them add all of the items to give you an estimate of what you are spending. One last problem you can use to teach money sense is have a combination of coins on the table and get cans, pieces of fruit or a candy bar. Put a price on each item and have the child give you the correct combination of coins for that item. All of these items will give your child a great foundation for math. These are simple steps but they will help with Math Study Skills in Elementary School.

Math Study Skills

It is important to have effective Math Study Skills to succeed. One of the most important things to remember is to attend math class every day. Problems are worked out by the instructor that you may have a problem with in your studies and if you miss the class where the problem is addressed you will miss others who may be stuck just like you. Some of the study tips discussed have been discussed before but they are important for students to develop a system that works for them, leads to better grades and knowledge of math that will carry you through to college graduation and a job. These math study skills provide a foundation for math, science and any other subject a student takes.

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A practice that will help in understanding the math lecture is reading over the material to be presented in that days class. It will provide answers to your questions or create new questions to be asked. Make notes of the reading, especially any definitions provided or formulas presented. The next thing a student should do is organize either a spiral bound or loose leaf note book for note taking. The preferred note book is a loose leaf one because you can arrange the notes according to subject or formula and definitions. It is important to keep both homework and class notes in the same note book; at the same time mentally follow the lecture trying to understand the concepts and principles that are presented. Remember that when the feeling of panic or you feel lost ask questions but you must have definite questions written down about an area where you are stuck. There is no dumb question but only dumb question that is not asked. So ask your Teacher to go over the material or problem again. As you review your math notes an important concept to remember is to say and do. We remember less when reading, a little more of what we see but when we say and do it inscribes the material in our memory. Don’t forget to write up summary sheets of math terminology and formulas to be reviewed often. Math study skills will give you the confidence that leads to success in math.

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