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How To Get Better Grades

The best method for how to get better grades is to evaluate learned and practiced from elementary school to now. The first skill in  how to get better grades is attending classes every day.  Being in class is smarter than borrowing someone’s notes.  In class you get the nuances of the teacher and the discussion that occur.  The next skill on the list of how to get better grades is to sit front and center of the classroom.  You pay more attention when you are in front and have very little distraction.  Whether or not you are having trouble in class it is good to meet with the instructor even to verify some information presented in class.

The next skill is not new but it is important in how to get better grades and that is to use index cards.  These cards make a daily review of the subject matter easy.  Yes you need to put all of the information on index cards even from the chapter readings; it facilitates the daily review process.  Another effective how to get better grades is to stay on top of the course readings, daily assignments and papers.   Always write down the information on the blackboard it may be on the test.  Use a day planner to keep track of assignment due date and other critical information pertaining to your life and the course you are taking.   Important information is better remembered when it is written down on paper.  The best method when you begin to study is study the most difficult subject because it the subject requires the most energy.  In how to get better grades it location that matters as in the classroom the place you study has to have little or no distractions like a study room at the library is ideal.  You are away from friends and family and can probably get a good two hours study time done.    How to get better grade will require a certain amount of memorization of the information necessary to pass the tests.  There are aids that will help you memorize the facts.  Several ideas you can use are mnemonics, summary notes, and the use of acronyms.  If practiced in your daily studies all of these skills should help in how to get better grades.

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