Test Taking Strategies

Test taking strategies are simple and need the student to use common sense. It makes sense that cramming for a test the night before will produce a tired student. Whatever you think you are gaining you will lose when you sit down to take a test. Test taking strategies are like study strategies, prepare from the first day of class. There is always some sort of an assessment during the semester, so a wise person should only have to review selected material the night before a test. Arriving at the classroom early with the necessary tools such as pens, pencils, erasers, calculator if allowed; take care of your physical need before the exam getting enough sleep, eating a good healthy breakfast or snack and wearing comfortable clothing will help you stay calm. Take deep breaths to help you stay calm especially if you suffer from test anxiety.

Make sure you understand the directions of the exam; underline all words of importance so you know what the questions are asking you to do. Remember the following common verbs that will help you identify what is asked: Define – give the meaning; Summarize – briefly tell; Explain-give reasons; Discuss-give as much information as you can, give the pros and cons; Describe-make it possible to visualize; Emulate-(list) make the major points stand out clearly; Compare-show how the two items are alike; and Contrast-show how the two items are different. Answer all of the questions unless you are penalized for any wrong answer. Pace yourself through the test so that you have time at the end to review your answers and go back to answer the questions you left blank to see if an answer pop out at you. When you start go through and answer the easy questions and the ones you know the answer to for sure. Some final test taking strategies are to practice taking the test, review the material using Flash Cards/index cards, and use prior tests to compare how you did. The last important of the test taking strategies ask questions of the teacher remember there are no dumb questions only those not asked.

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Study Skills For Students With Learning Challenges

Students with learning challenges need to be taught organization and especially  study skills at the same time so they have an excellent understanding of time management, taking notes and color coding of their school work. The one organization skill/strategy is to develop a system of working folders /notebooks one for each class and in a different color. This helps avoid clutter in the back pack and they have each class’ work in one place. A reference folder/notebook helps them keep things like a personal spelling list, transition word, math facts and other reference material that will help them. They should set up an accordion file that will contain all of the papers not required for the class but will help for test preparation. It is important for students with Learning Challenges have a distraction free study space. This space must be comfortable and someplace the student likes to study.

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Most Organization and Study Skills for Students with Learning Challenges are no different from other students; it just takes more emphasizing each step. The organization skill that is most challenging for the learning challenged is the ability to manage time properly. They must be able to get their homework done, get to the different classes and just have time for play. Give them a watch and let them know the start time of school, and each class. If properly taught and practiced these organization skills will carry them through school.

One of the most challenging study skills and it is not a study skill per se. It is the ability to self-advocate for them. They must learn to go to their teachers and ask for help. This is a hard one thing for them to learn. Note taking is a challenge especially when they are trying to grasp main ideas during a lecture. This is where self-advocacy helps. They can ask for list of main ideas ahead of time so that they are able to fill in the meanings. A study note from reading is not so bad but the still need to grasp the main ideas of the paragraphs in a chapter. Organization and study skills for students with learning challenges are a challenge for them to learn but if they focus on the task at hand and with lots of support they can make it all work for them.

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Study Strategies For Visual Learners

thumb (1)The best study Strategies for visual learners in teach me how to study are different from other strategies, they tend towards what is seen rather than heard. There is a study that states that 65% of all students are visual learners. One of the study strategies for visual learners is writing information down either from your reading or the lecture notes. The more you write down the more you will remember. A big aid for the visual learner is making flash cards or index cards. While you read make notes on a card that contains vocabulary words, any bold headings and summarize the summary in your own word. The use of different colored highlighter pens to color code the information will help you remember the information. A big No, No is not to put too much information on one card so you can get a mental picture of what is written. If you own the book make notations in the margins as you read, however if the book belongs to the school the challenge then becomes to get the information on the flash cards. If it makes it easier to remember the information replace words with numbers, symbols or any other mnemonic that you can think of to help you remember.

Another study strategy for visual learners is to draw maps with annotations of dates from a period in history. Draw a tree with scientific terms on the branches with the main idea as the trunk of the tree. In Math, to remember formulas use large square grad paper to write the steps of math formulas for easy study and review. Ask the teacher to diagram the information on the board and be sure to copy whatever is written on the board. Take notes and make lists of the information. Outline everything you need to study for an exam. The more visual your notes the more you will remember. One last thought for a study strategy for visual learners is as much as possible draw pictures, symbols and diagrams to represent the words and ideas of the material.

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Effective Study Techniques

Effective study techniques in the realm of teach me how to study began in Elementary school where the basics were learned. In middle school effective study techniques were developed by adding the ideas like expanding note taking practices and by the time a student reaches high school and beyond they have a fullyfledged arsenal of effective study techniques at their disposal. A review of some of the more important effective study techniques is necessary for college bound students. Even if you have completed your four year degree a review bore your Master research will pave the way for an easier time in and out of the classroom.

The necessity to review certain topics in effective study techniques as part of teach me how to study will help those students who have been away from the classroom for a while. As a student in college, either undergrad or in a Master’s program, are responsible for class attendance. One of the most important effective study techniques is class attendance because you are present as the lecturer provides example, feedback, and information you will miss if you are not present. If the lecturer uses slides then an opportunity exists for more dialogue between student and lecturer. Be actively engaged in the lecture and if in doubt annotate the slide if available or in your note put a question mark by the information that needs clarification. Make sure the foundation of information is strong, read actively, jot down notes because over learning the basics, and ensures working from a strong foundation. The use of index cards makes easy review of the basic data of the course. Annotate information on index cards for ease of daily review. It also helps keep the information organized. The uses of index cards in effective study techniques and in teach me how to study are a valuable tool when it is time for assessments.

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Study Strategies For College Students

Among the study strategies for college students in teach me how study frame work are as many different types of skills but it is up to the student to create the best group of study strategies for themselves. The most important study strategies for college students are the ones that they can relate to or make a part of their daily routine. The top of the list is to go to class every class. This helps with many problems, like taking your own notes from the lecture; you can observe the lecturer’s actions and hear the emphasis on terms that are important for the examination. Location, location is front and center of the class room, less chance of dozing and copying what is on the board. As far as the method of note taking it comes in many different styles but what you must do is develop your own style that fits you. Make your notes simple or make them but the choice is yours. In your notes you can use acronyms if the helps you remember a list of terms, draw silly pictures to remember points, use mnemonics and even number and letters. This is developing a short hand method to take notes. Once you have your note from class then you combine them from the notes you took when reading the assigned readings. Now is the time you create concept cards for daily review.

Concept cards are the flash card you learned how to back in 5th or 6th grade. They are study strategy for all college students because they keep the information ready for review which should be done daily. The card contain terms from your lecture note and from the readings, they make for handy study guide to prepare for the exams as they come. They may even come in handy if you must write essays or larger projects for the class. Another idea in study strategies for college students is write question from the material to quiz one self. This is another way to test your knowledge. The study area you chose should be free of distraction so as to focus on your studies. All of the study strategies for college students must become a habit that they make their own to get the grades they want.

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Study Tips For College

The best study tips for college are those that lead to better grades. The number one Study  tip for College is the ability to stay organized. With a planner and syllabus for each class indicate the date papers are due, dates of exams and if assigned large project put several review dates and a final date. This will keep you on track for the semester. The next study tip for college that will help with organization is using the syllabus, text book and a package of note cards to make notes for daily review.

Review each chapter that is listed on the syllabus making notes about the boldface headings on paragraphs, collecting terms that are important and check the references at the end of the chapter. Go to the end of the chapter read the summary and then answer the questions this will help on daily reviews. When you have read the chapter refine your answers to the questions written earlier. If the class is a math class then writes the formulas and sample problems on the index cards for review on how the problems are solved. A study tip for college is taking good notes. Jot down in the note anything that is written on the board, don’t capture a lecture word for just the important facts. The use of a spiral bound notebook with a pocket divider for notes; be sure to date each entry and hang onto all the papers from the class in the notebook. When review time comes for an exam all the information is in the notebook for that class. Remember that taking good note equals good grades. A good study tip for college is to find your study place with little distraction like a study room at the library. It is a proven fact better grades are attained in a quiet environment. One last study tip for college is not cram but to always use the index cards to study on a daily basis.

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Best Ways To Study

Some of the best ways to study are having a positive attitude, a commitment to learn and a designated study area.  The student must have a positive attitude in order to do well in his course work.  At the beginning of each year of study the students should make a commitment to learn the information presented.  The designated study area should be free of distractions and a quiet environment.  In the study room make positive sign that motivate and are a part of the positive attitude.  These sings should be brightly colored to entice the student in to a study mood.  One meth of the best way to study is insuring that the study area has the proper tools for studying; like reference books, writing paper, index cards, and the notes from classes for review.

Be sure to accommodate the type of learner, what style does the student use to learn best.  If they are a visual learner they would need pictures, graphs, charts, and whatever information the helps to see the big picture.  Auditory learners need to recite the information aloud to learn and retain.  The kinesthetic learner learns best by physical manipulation to learn the information; a hands on type learner.  Sometimes the learner uses all types to learn.   Help students realize what is in for them, because by understanding what is in it for them they will find in class and time studying to be to their advantage.   All the best ways to study are worthless unless the student’s attitude is in the proper place.    One last best ways to study idea is not to spend more than an hour studying then take a break to get some exercise, go for a walk and have a healthy snack.  Research has shown that four one hour periods learning is better than four consecutive hours.  The most important best ways to study is the organizational ability of the student.  Learn how to organize you time and notes to benefit the upcoming exams.

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How To Get Better Grades

The best method for how to get better grades is to evaluate learned and practiced from elementary school to now. The first skill in  how to get better grades is attending classes every day.  Being in class is smarter than borrowing someone’s notes.  In class you get the nuances of the teacher and the discussion that occur.  The next skill on the list of how to get better grades is to sit front and center of the classroom.  You pay more attention when you are in front and have very little distraction.  Whether or not you are having trouble in class it is good to meet with the instructor even to verify some information presented in class.

The next skill is not new but it is important in how to get better grades and that is to use index cards.  These cards make a daily review of the subject matter easy.  Yes you need to put all of the information on index cards even from the chapter readings; it facilitates the daily review process.  Another effective how to get better grades is to stay on top of the course readings, daily assignments and papers.   Always write down the information on the blackboard it may be on the test.  Use a day planner to keep track of assignment due date and other critical information pertaining to your life and the course you are taking.   Important information is better remembered when it is written down on paper.  The best method when you begin to study is study the most difficult subject because it the subject requires the most energy.  In how to get better grades it location that matters as in the classroom the place you study has to have little or no distractions like a study room at the library is ideal.  You are away from friends and family and can probably get a good two hours study time done.    How to get better grade will require a certain amount of memorization of the information necessary to pass the tests.  There are aids that will help you memorize the facts.  Several ideas you can use are mnemonics, summary notes, and the use of acronyms.  If practiced in your daily studies all of these skills should help in how to get better grades.

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Good Study Habits


The best study habits are the good study habits learned and practices from elementary school through college and beyond.  Learning and study is a continuing habit and the good study habits learned should be practiced daily.  A review of good study habits learned in elementary school with a different approach will help reinforce the best ones.  Students should have a positive approach to study time and not be focused on something else.  If this is the case then the study time will be a waste of effort.  It is then necessary to come back to you studies.  Remember the place you study is just as important as your mind set.  The place should be free of distraction, have plenty of light and is quiet.  When you find that perfect place to study make sure that you bring all the necessary supplies you will need such as pens, pencils and paper but think seriously of not bringing your computer to a study session.

The computer itself is very distracting and tempting to play games, surf the web or check your emails.  Rather than typing your note it is best to outline them by in writing which in turn helps to write the information in your memory bank.  This method works best when you use your own words to remember the concepts of the information being studied.  Another of the good study habits learned is the use of mnemonics.  This method makes up words using the first letter of a string of items we need to remember.  One example of this the word HOMES to remember the names of the Great Lakes.  Just remember the word or phrase has to be more memorable than the information you need to remember.  Another good study habit to practice is putting your note on index card and reviewing them daily.  This is how the information needed to pass a test becomes a part of you.  At the beginning of the school year a good study habit to practice is to develop a homework schedule.  Built into this schedule should be breaks, and hours spent studying but not more than an hour for each subject.  Breaks are important and should not be longer than 10 to 15 minutes duration.  When you eat be sure that your diet is balanced and not full of a lot of sugary snacks.  These are the Good Study Habits that will carry a student through college and beyond.

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Memorization Techniques


One important skill in the Teach me how to Study is the memorization of facts and the techniques used.  When we forget certain things we think it is difficult to memorize but if we use the proper techniques/skills memory becomes our friend in times of testing.  If we create associations in what we are studying then we will retain the data necessary.  The biggest task is to make a particular study item a part of our life at the present.  To do this we use our imagination to get a picture in our mind of what we want to recall later.   The nest method in Memorization techniques is to make a silly story of what we need to recall later.  Since this method is like the one previously discussed combine them into a big picture for easy recall and make the story silly.  When you must memorize lists of items chose a place very close to you.  Place the items in the in your place a visualize them as a part of you.  A hint, with all of these techniques you should make them so ridiculously funny and maybe with sound, and smell.

The memorization techniques uses a number system to help you retain facts is using numbers for words and makes silly sentences.  For instance 1 = bun, 2 = shoe, 3 = tree, 4 = door and 5 = hive, 6 = sticks, 7 = heaven, 8 = gate, 9 = wine and 10 = hen.  All you need to do is make a sentence using the word for the number.  Use this method to recall a list of facts.  For structured concepts it is best to draw a mind map.  It works well by laying out the structure that shows the flow of the information to be retained.  This method would work for exams involving many short answer statements.  Another method that fits with all of these ideas is the use of acronyms.  Like using HOMES to remember the Great Lakes or that WAC is an acronym for Women Army Corps.  You use the first letter of a list to make up the acronym which is easier to study and recall.

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